The secret to understanding how .NET technologies works is to understand the why behind it.This blog tries to answer the Why! Why classes , objects , technologies in .NET were designed the way they are ?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Compiling Device Drivers in Visual Studios 2005

To compile device drivers in Visual Studios 2005 IDE make changes in the following settings.
Assumption : The DDK is installed in C:\WinDDK
and the version of DDK I am using is 3790.1830.
The paths mentioned may change according to the DDK

Project -> Properties ->Configuration Properties -> c/c++ -> General ->
Additional include directories -C:\WinDDK\3790.1830\inc\wxp

Project -> Properties ->Configuration Properties -> c/c++ -> Pre Processor ->
Enable string pooling –NO
Enable C++ exceptions – NO
Enable function level Linking – NO
Project -> Properties ->Configuration Properties -> c/c++ -> Language ->
Enable Run time type info – NO

Project -> Properties ->Configuration Properties -> Linker ->
Add following paths


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